The Last Three Days Have Been a Blur

What’s that you say, it’s now 2014? When did this happen??? I’ve been going and going like the Energizer Bunny…

That’s me!

On Dec 31st, I got the keys to our new space (yippeeeeee!). There was SO much left from the prior renter, so my day mostly consisted of moving her stuff outside & mega-cleaning…which is like cleaning but on shit-tons of coffee and showtunes.


The first thing I had to do was put up party lights, since anything can be fun if you call it a party (cleaning party? painting party? dental work party?). Then I hung some suggestive signs in the window warning people about the awesomeness our  new store would contain. My left-brained bf would shake his head at the organization of my priorities, but you artsy girls can understand!


Our new space is so much bigger than our current one, so tons more to paint and display. I can’t wait!

Who’s ready for more pics of the painting party?

Posted on January 3, 2014, in beauty lounge, decor, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on The Last Three Days Have Been a Blur.

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